
Little drops of water, Questions & Answers, Class - vi, শংকৰদেৱ শিশু নিকেতন

  LITTLE DROPS OF WATER EXERCISE Answer the following questions. 1. What do little drops of water make? Ans: - The little drops of water make the mighty ocean. 2. What makes the pleasant land? Ans: - The little grains of sand make the pleasant land. 3. What are the mighty ages of eternity made of? Ans: - The mighty ages of eternity made of the little minutes and humble thought. 4. What do you learn from the poem? Ans: - From the poem I learn one thing that everything in the world getting bigger slowly. This means that a small object can take on a big shape at a time. *************************************  <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

A house, a home, Questions & Answers, Class - vi, শংকৰদেৱ শিশু নিকেতন

  A HOUSE , A HOME B. What do you think is a happy home and a happy family? Talk to your partner and complete these sentences. 1. A home is....................................................................................... 2. A home has.................................................................................... 3. A family is..................................................................................... 4. A family is someone who.............................................................. 5. Sisters are made for........................................................................ 6. Parents are...................................................................................... Ans: -  1. A home is made by family with love and care. 2. A home has brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers. 3. A family is a group consisting of two parents and their children living together as a unit. 4. A family is someone who do unselfish act. 5. Sisters are made for brothers. 6.

Endangered animals and birds of Assam, Questions & Answers, Class - vi, শংকৰদেৱ শিশু নিকেতন

  ENDANGERED ANIMALS AND BIRDS OF ASSAM (অসমৰ সংকটাপন্ন পক্ষু আৰু পক্ষী) Comprehension: - A. Complete the following sentences in your own words: - i. Assam's ]hills and forests are enriched with...................................... ii. Pied mynah is found.............................. iii. The scientific name of golden langur is........................... iv. The number of rhino is rapidly declining due to............................ Ans: -  i.  Assam's ]hills and forests are enriched with birds and animals. ii. Pied mynah is found on the plains and low foot hills. iii. The scientific name of golden langur is trachypithecus geei. iv. The number of rhino is rapidly declining due to rapid destruction of forest and climate changes. B. Answer the following: - i. Where is Assam is located? Ans: - Assam is located in the northeast of India. ii. What is scientific name of pied mynah? Ans: - The scientific name of the pied mynah is sturnus contra. iii. Where do orioles spend much

Rain in summer, Class - vi, Questions & Answers শংকৰদেৱ শিশু নিকেতন

RAIN IN SUMMER গ্ৰীস্মকালত বৰষুণ Comprehension: - I. Answer the following questions in a sentence or two: - 1. How does the poet describe the rain? Ans: - The describes that the rain is very beautiful. 2. What is the sound of the rain falling on the roof like? (a) the bleat of the sheep (b) the sound made by the feet of running horses. (c) the marching of the soldiers Ans: -   (b) the sound made by the feet of running horses. 3. How does the rain water come out of the spout of the pipe? Ans: - The rain water comes out overflowing of the spout of the pipe. 4. Which words or phrases help you understand that it is a heavy rain? Ans: - How it clatters along with the roofs like a tramp of hoofs! These words or phrases help me understand that it is a heavy rain. II. Read the poem once more and answer the following. 1. 'Heat' rhymes with 'street'. What are the other rhyming pairs you find in the poem? Ans: - The other rhyming pairs of the poem are -               (i) roof

শংকৰদেৱ শিশু নিকেতন, WHY SHOULD WE CONSERVE WILDLIFE ?, ষষ্ঠ মান, Questions & Answers

  WHY SHOULD WE CONSERVE WILDLIFE? আমি কিয় বনৰীয়া জীৱ-জন্তু সংৰক্ষণ কৰিব লাগে? Comprehenstion: - A. Match the words in column A with their meaning in column B. Ans: -            A                            B         Fun                         Pleasure         Silent                     Quiet         Lovely                    Attractive         Start                       Begin B. Make five sentences from the following table. Ans: - (i) The are listening to the radio. (ii) I am cleaning my room. (iii) You make a noise. (iv) He is doing his homework. (v) You are cleaning my room. 1. Answer the following questions: - a) Why do men hunt animals? Ans: - Men hunt animals sometimes for fun. b) Name some animals that face the danger of disappearing altogether? Ans: - The name of some animals that face the danger of disappearing altogether are mentioned below – tiger, lion, cheetahs, rhinoceroses, wild buffaloes, lion tailed monkeys, white polar b

শংকৰদেৱ শিশু নিকেতন, RIP VAN WINKLE, শ্ৰেণী - ষষ্ঠ মান

  RIP VAN WINKLE ৰিপ ভান উইংকল Comprehension: - 1. Answer the following questions: - a) What did Rip do when his wife got angry with him?  (ঘৈনীয়েকে যেতিয়া খং কৰিছিল ৰিপে কি কৰিছিল?) Ans: - When Rip’s wife got angry with him then he would go away into the mountains to hide from her. (যেতিয়া ৰিপৰ ঘৈনীয়েকে তেওঁৰ সৈতে খং কৰিছিল তেওঁ তাইৰ পৰা লুকাবলৈ পৰ্বতলৈ গুছি গৈছিল।) b) What was the name of Rip’s dog? (ৰিপৰ কুকুৰটোৰ নাম কি আছিল?) Ans: - The name of Rip’s dog was Wolf. (ৰিপৰ কুকুৰটোৰ নাম আছিল ৱ'ল্ফ।) c) Why did Rip fall fast asleep? (ৰিপ কিয় গভীৰভাৱে নিদ্ৰামগ্ন হৈছিল?) Ans: - A strange man gave him a glass of pink water and after drinking it he fell fast asleep. (এজন অচিনাকী মানুহে তেওঁক এগিলাচ গোলপীয়া পানী দিছিল আৰু পানী গিলাচ খাই তেওঁ গভীৰভাৱে নিদ্ৰামগ্ন হৈছিল।) d) Who did the young woman look like? (ডেকা মহিলাগৰাকী দেখাত কাৰ নিচিনা আছিল?) Ans: - The young woman looked like Rip’s wife. (ডেকা মহিলাগৰাকী দেখাত ৰিপৰ ঘৈনীয়েকৰ নিচিনা আছিল। ) e) Who was th

শংকৰদেৱ শিশু নিকেতন, MAROONED SWISS FAMILY, পাঠভিত্তিক প্ৰশ্ন-উত্তৰ

  MAROONED SWISS FAMILY (নিৰ্জন দ্বীপত বাস কৰা ছুইজাৰলেণ্ডৰ পৰিয়ালটো) Comprehension: - 1. Why did Flora excitedly? (ফ্ল'ৰাই কিয় উত্তেজিত হৈ ভুকিছিল?) Ans: - Flora barked excitedly because he saw a flock of flamingos. ( ফ্ল'ৰাই কি. উত্তেজিত হৈ ভুকিছিল কাৰণ সি এজাক ফ্লেমিংগো চৰাই দেখিছিল। ) 2. Where did the family build the house? What was the contribution of Fritz and the author in building the house? (পৰিয়ালটোৱে ঘৰটো ক'ত সাজিছিল? ঘৰটো নিৰ্মাণ কৰাত ফ্ৰিট্জ আৰু লেখকৰ অৱদান কি কি আছিল?) Ans: - The family built the house in a giant tree.          Fritze and the author had more contributions to building the house. They cut the pieces of bamboos. They cut away the branches in the middle of the tree. Then they nailed down some planks and made a floor with a wooden fence around it. They hung six hammocks on to some higher branches. They covered the branches above them with sail cloth to make a roof. (পৰিয়ালটোৱে ঘৰটো এজোপা প্ৰকাণ্ড ঘৰত সাজিছিল।              ঘৰটো ন