Endangered animals and birds of Assam, Questions & Answers, Class - vi, শংকৰদেৱ শিশু নিকেতন


(অসমৰ সংকটাপন্ন পক্ষু আৰু পক্ষী)
Comprehension: -

A. Complete the following sentences in your own words: -

i. Assam's ]hills and forests are enriched with......................................
ii. Pied mynah is found..............................
iii. The scientific name of golden langur is...........................
iv. The number of rhino is rapidly declining due to............................

Ans: - 
i. Assam's ]hills and forests are enriched with birds and animals.
ii. Pied mynah is found on the plains and low foot hills.
iii. The scientific name of golden langur is trachypithecus geei.
iv. The number of rhino is rapidly declining due to rapid destruction of forest and climate changes.

B. Answer the following: -

i. Where is Assam is located?
Ans: - Assam is located in the northeast of India.

ii. What is scientific name of pied mynah?
Ans: - The scientific name of the pied mynah is sturnus contra.

iii. Where do orioles spend much of their time?
Ans: - Orioles spend much of their time in the tree canopies.

iv. What does hornbill feed on?
Ans: - Hornbill feeds on fruits and small animals.

v. Who consider golden langur as a sacred animals?
Ans: - Himalayan people consider golden langur as sacred animals.

vi. What is the horn of rhino composed of?
Ans: - The horn of rhino is composed of pure keratin, like human fingers.

vii. What does civet feed on?
Ans: - The civet feed on birds, frogs, snakes, eggs, crabs etc.

Grammar And Usage: -

1. Change the following sentences into interrogative sentences.
a) He likes to play hockey.
b) My sister can cook well.
c) Sita is an intelligent girl.
d) I wrote a letter yesterday
e) We will play football tomorrow.
f) He has seen the Taj Mahal.

Ans: -
a) He does not like to play hockey.
b) My sister can not cook well.
c) Sita is not an intelligent girl.
d) I did not write a letter yesterday.
e) We will not play football tomorrow.
f) He has not seen the Taj Mahal.

2. Choose the correct comparative to fill in the blanks.
a) Sita is..............than Rita. (intelligent/more intelligent)
b) Today the weather is..............than yesterday's. (better/good/best)
c) Raja is............than Rakesh. (honest/more honest)
d) Raja is............than that. (more heavy/heavier/heaviest)
e) Harish is.........than Pritam. (careful/more careful/most careful)
f) Mr. Kumar..........than Mr. Prasad. (wealthy/wealthier/more wealthier)

Ans: -
a) Sita is more intelligent Rita.
b) Today the weather is better than yesterday's.
c) Raja is more honest than Rakesh.
d) Raja is heavier than that.
e) Harish is more careful than Pritam.
f) Mr. Kumar is wealthier than Mr. Prasad.

3. Match the following animals with their home.
Ans: -
                a) bee                i) bee hive
                b) dog             vi) kennel
                c) snake          iv) hole
                d) horse          iii) stable
                e) owl              ii) hollow
                f) lion            vii) den
                g) fish              v) water



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